

Merengue Dancing Dog

I saw this and thought to myself, "This has to go on the blog!" I was laughing so hard. There is no way to watch this without a huge smile on your face. It's really amazing how well trained this dog is. She's got some moves! :-)

My favorite part is how happy the dog looks. I know that my dog would love to be the center of attention like that. hahaha! The dog's tail is wagging the entire time!
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Dogs Make The Best Models

I have always been a huge lover of photography. I love a great photograph and I really enjoy taking pictures. I am always tucking my little pink Kodak in my purse "just in case". Having all these new "subjects" to photograph has been so much fun. These dogs are all so photogenic! :-)

Yesterday I learned a hazard of boarding dogs at home and taking pictures in your backyard from a lot of different angles. While taking pictures I laid back in my grass and was suddenly hit with the strongest smell of dog poo. It only took me a second to realize that I had laid down right into a pile of dog poop! YUCK!
Will I stop laying down in the grass to get pictures like this?
No way!

Will I make sure I look more carefully before I lay down?
Without a doubt! :-)

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Big Dog Weekend

We have a full house today! Here is a little video I took this morning.

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Boarding Bubba

Meet Bubba! She is staying with us for the next week. Isn't she so cute?! I love those big round eyes! :-)

She is a lab mix....maybe a little Sheppard...maybe a little Pit. All I know is that she is 100% sweetheart! Many dogs are a little bit clingy when they are being boarded, but she cracks me up. I took a shower today and left the bathroom door open. When I was done and I pulled back the curtain, there she was looking at me from the bathmat! She was laying right next to the tub, just waiting for me to get out. haha!
We took a walk today and the weather was so nice. It was sunny but not hot....the dogs were in heaven :-)

Izzie and Bubba are getting along great

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Pics of Pups

I really enjoy taking pictures. It's a little bit of a hobby for me. So having all these different dogs to photograph is so much fun for me. Here are a few of my favorite pictures that I have taken over the past month of the dogs who have stayed with us.

This is "Happy" Hailey :-)

I love the size progression :-)
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Videos That Make You Smile

Someone sent me this video of a puppy falling asleep in his water bowl. Every time the puppy's tired little nose touches the water and he "wakes up"....I can't stop laughing. It's SO cute and So funny!

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Flynn the Puppy

Last weekend we puppy-sat for the most adorable puppy. Flynn is a 3 month old yellow lab. It was so fun to have him around, but it reminded me how much work a puppy can be. It's amazing how they can find trouble everywhere! Flynn is also teething, so he chews on everything he can find. It's like having a baby around because they put everything in their mouth, but also like a 2 year old because they can get into anything and be little trouble-makers. You really have to stay on your toes when boarding a puppy. :-)
"Mmmmmmmm... "Chuck-it" yummy yummy yummy"


Here is Flynn being an adorable puppy

He really wanted to be friends with Izzie, it was so sweet. After a few hours though, the puppy energy was a bit much for Izzie. Flynn was just so hyper and Izzie was not used to a puppy in her face with his little high pitched bark. We joked that she had turned into a grumpy old lady. We let Izzie go inside for a little quiet respite. :-)
So, it was perfect that later in the day we went across the street to a family BBQ. Our cousin's have a little dog who is full of energy. Flynn and Pucchi were a perfect match.They chased each other around for hours and had so much fun!
I love the action shots! haha!
The kids in the family of course LOVED the puppy. I am not sure who had more fun, the dogs or the kids. :-)
My favorite Bulldog Jax was also there. I can't resist sharing a few pictures. I have always loved bulldogs. How could you not? Look at that face!
After all the playtime and running around, Flynn was exhausted. We laughed as he laid down in our front yard before we could even get in the house. He was tired! It's hard being a puppy :-)
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