Amla, the India Gooseberry plant fruit, is a natural and potent power house of Vitamin C. In fact, being almost one-fourth size of and orange, it contains Vitamin C of about two oranges. It is well known that Vitamin C is best absorbed when taken in its natural form by means of various citrus juices. Vitamin C from Amla is available in all its form like Amla candy, powder and juice, which gets easily assimilated by your body.
India Gooseberry plant fruit is an exceptional anti-oxidant, basically due to the abundance of Vitamin C present in it. Vitamin C has strong anti-oxidant properties and successfully combats free radicals while detoxifying the body. Amla excellently stabilizes and rejuvenates your body. Amla is one of the best daily fruits having low sugars and high fiber contents. Moreover, your body is not able to absorb a variety of minerals and iron readily. You need to intake a properly balanced food to obtain maximum benefit and sufficient amount of minerals and iron from your food. India Gooseberry plant fruit by way of Amla juice or Amla powder improves absorption of food and digest various minerals like iron.
An excellent digestion enhancer, just likes ginger, but unlike it, cools the body and acts gently on the entire digestive system. Intake of Amla on regular basis, apart from making your digestive system stronger and healthier helps improving the overall immunity. The many benefits of Amla are:
Strengthening the immune system by improving the defense mechanism of the body.Helps improving eyesightFresh Amla juice helps digestion by strengthening body, spirit and mind.Amla oil head massage encourages sound sleep and stimulates good hair growth.Amla eye wash, prepared by soaking Amla overnight in water, improves the eyesightDrinking Amla water by soaking Amla overnight removes constipation.Cure nose bleeds by using 2-4 drops of Amla juice into the nostrils.This fruit normalizes blood sugar levels.Is a very effective anti-inflammatory herbA fantastic antioxidant and an exceptional source of Vitamin C rid your body of free radicals.It is potent brain foodIt helps decreasing cholesterol build-up in the body.It improves liver functioningEnhances hemoglobin and red blood cell countHelps in fighting cold, cough, bronchitis, and asthmaCleanses and strengthens teeth and jawIts concentrated juice helps acidity and relieves parasitesAs the richest source of Vitamin C it also is a diuretic, relieves constipation and a very nourishing hair dye. It is has cardio protective ability, also helps curing hemorrhage, menorrhagia, and leucorrhoea. Amla power and oil are long-established Ayurvedic treatment of scalp. It also improves complexion, removes wrinkles, and is effective in sun strokes and sun burns.
Rate this ArticleAmla - The India Goose Berry Fruit And Its BenefitsNot Rated YetMohit M Jain has published 130 articles. Article submitted on October 20, 2014. Word count: 432Diabetic patients must be very cautious while taking tea, coffee and alcohol. Read this article to know the effects of tea, coffee and alcohol on diabetic patients.
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